For your convenience, a collection of helpful web pages related to Mexico and the Copper Canyon.
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(If you find a link we should include, please let us know about it)
Continuing reports on safety in Mexico--good for a new perspective over media sensationalism.
Barron says that the biggest danger if you're traveling to Mexico is not the drug cartel violence, but rather, being too distracted while you’re on vacation and doing things that you wouldn’t do at home. “I know it seems like — 25 years in the FBI and this is what you're telling me? But at the end of the day, personal safety comes down to common sense,” says Barron. “Be smart about where you go. How are you going to get from the airport to your resort? When you check into a hotel, did you lock your door and use the top lock? What if something happens? Do I have the number of the embassy? Have I filled out a form for the Department of State so they know that I am traveling? Always think of safety and security as something that's part of your trip.”